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Glenn Garver Artist Bio & Statement
"My paintings are a depiction of my perceptions, both conscious and subconscious. My work is not preconceived with preparatory steps such as sketches or studies, as these would only encumber. Rather, I experience the conception of each painting in the process of its creation. Each painting begins with the excitement of what will happen; some come quickly, others take the long way ‘round, lingering and haunting until they come to completion.
Each canvas is singular, yet all have evolved from the paintings that preceded them. Over the past 30 years my work has transformed from representational to minimalist, to my current paintings. Yet there has always been a common thread, with the familiar feeling of clarity I experience while painting the basis for this commonality."- Glenn Garver
Garver’s painting is not a reaction to the environment— urban or otherwise, but an organic response that comes from within the artist himself. From the first mark Garver releases onto the canvases, his paintings walk a tightrope between improvisation and premeditation. Do not look for recognizable subjects or objects, but indulge in his work’s sensuous color, rich surfaces, and dramatic gestures.
-Brendan Carroll
Each canvas is singular, yet all have evolved from the paintings that preceded them. Over the past 30 years my work has transformed from representational to minimalist, to my current paintings. Yet there has always been a common thread, with the familiar feeling of clarity I experience while painting the basis for this commonality."- Glenn Garver
Garver’s painting is not a reaction to the environment— urban or otherwise, but an organic response that comes from within the artist himself. From the first mark Garver releases onto the canvases, his paintings walk a tightrope between improvisation and premeditation. Do not look for recognizable subjects or objects, but indulge in his work’s sensuous color, rich surfaces, and dramatic gestures.
-Brendan Carroll