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Greg Letson Bio & Statement
My paintings strive for an absence of agenda. They aspire to simply be images consisting of color, shapes and structure which resolve themselves within the mind of each viewer. Made without planning or preliminary studies, my images are products of unfolding, improvisational sequences and bear witness to the impulses, decisions and actions that occurred during their making.
While they inescapably reflect my thoughts & feelings during their making, my works are intentionally un-programmatic and anti-representational. They contain no direct referents, metaphors, analogies or concrete, real-world corollaries; they exist solely as visual compositions which invite and welcome a multiplicity of readings. My "Numbered" series assigns sequential numbers to works as identifiers while avoiding thematic cues, and in my "Jargon" series, titles have been chosen without any direct thought from the lexicon of American slang.
My inspiration is drawn from a great number of places, from early 20th century modernist abstraction, buddhist mandalas, mid-century west-coast hard-edge painting to Shaker hymns, baroque fugues, Song Dynasty paintings, Peter Handke’s non-mimetic theatre (Sprechstücke) and contemporary architecture/industrial design.
While they inescapably reflect my thoughts & feelings during their making, my works are intentionally un-programmatic and anti-representational. They contain no direct referents, metaphors, analogies or concrete, real-world corollaries; they exist solely as visual compositions which invite and welcome a multiplicity of readings. My "Numbered" series assigns sequential numbers to works as identifiers while avoiding thematic cues, and in my "Jargon" series, titles have been chosen without any direct thought from the lexicon of American slang.
My inspiration is drawn from a great number of places, from early 20th century modernist abstraction, buddhist mandalas, mid-century west-coast hard-edge painting to Shaker hymns, baroque fugues, Song Dynasty paintings, Peter Handke’s non-mimetic theatre (Sprechstücke) and contemporary architecture/industrial design.