Margaret Weber: Birds of Pray Paperback
The birds are embodiments of the threatened world of nature and a spiritual aspect or projection of humans, an alter ego, in a sense: knowing and vulnerable. Textiles, which are an element in many of these images, have played a continuing role in human history since prehistoric times. Incorporation of design into woven material worn by early humans shows the extraordinary importance which marks of color and shape had for them. These works help me explore a connection to, and fear for, nature and a sense that I am part of a continuum of human endeavor.
About the Author Margaret Weber is known as an artist, teacher, curator and arts and community organizer in JerseyCity. Margaret was always a valuable supporter and friend of Victory Hall when we were a busy community cultural center throughout the early 2000s. In 2012, her long time devotion to enriching city life led her to work with Victory Hall as we reshaped ourselves as an arts organization and an arts center that could engage artists and the public from New Jersey and the New York City metropolitan area. The new arts center we launched later that year, the Drawing Rooms, encountered many challenges, from the immediate--as Hurricane Sandy engulfed our building during our first month--to long-term issues of sustainability and artistic and economic development. As Chair of the Steering Committee, Margaret provided both direction and strength. As one of the art professionals who has settled in Jersey City and formed an arts community in the past few decades, Margaret has helped us become who we are as an organization through sharing her artwork, ideas, experiences and resolve.